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What is NET?

Picture of a brain in green

What do you think of when you hear the word stress? Do you think of a person, your current life situation, or your drive to work every day? Stress can manifest differently from person to person depending on the situation. Emotions such as fear, worry, sadness, nervousness, or excitement can arise. Not only can stress be defined by emotions, but it can be from additional routes such as poor nutrition, repeated toxins exposure, and physical pain or trauma. When we are constantly exposed to stressors, we find ourselves feeling stuck or in patterns and cycles that are not productive to us. We can all agree that stress doesn’t do wonders for our bodies.

Imagine this: you have been spending 5 hours a day for the past two weeks studying for your final exam. You feel confident and ready to take this exam tomorrow. That evening, you didn’t sleep very well, waking up every other hour. That morning, since you slept poorly, you woke up late, skipped breakfast, and spilled coffee on yourself on the way to class. You make it to class on time, but when it is time to take the exam, your mind goes blank and your palms start sweating. You then feel the sweat building under your arms and start getting nauseated. You feel like you forgot everything you just studied. What do you think are the reasons that caused this? The morning drive? Your lack of sleep? Your lack of breakfast? Being only fueled by coffee? Whatever the concern, the stuck pattern happens to you every time you study for an exam, regardless of how much time you spend studying.

Stuck patterns are how our body responds to stress. Neuro Emotional Technique or NET was founded by Dr Walker. It is based on utilizing the home run formula looking at Structural, Emotional / Stress, Biochemistry, and Toxins as components to break the stuck pattern. NET acknowledges the relationship between the body’s stress, environmental toxicity, nutritional balance, and structured integrity. It recognizes that emotions can manifest in the body as spinal complaints, muscular imbalances, and dysfunction in different areas in the body. It works by using the body's physiology of emotional response such as mentioned in the story above. 

Personally, my experience with NET has been able to help me realize the patterns of thinking, behaviors, or coping skills that I have held onto subconsciously. I am a huge advocate for talk therapy and NET definitely levels up therapy. It has made me less reactive and more level headed when it comes to stressful events and situations. I have felt more clear and a sense of relief through the sessions of NET. According to my husband, ““I haven’t the slightest clue what it is you’re doing in these training sessions, but I thoroughly enjoy this version of my wife.” I encourage everyone to try NET as it helps the fight, flight, and freeze response that we have been conditioned to. 

As always, if you have any questions please reach out. 

Take the Wellness Check Questionnaire to see if NET would be beneficial for you!

I find these resources helpful in learning more about NET. See the links below: 

Research articles: 

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