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Element Spotlight - Earth


The next element in the spotlight is Earth. This next element encompasses two meridians: Stomach and Spleen. The season this falls under is late summer. As we previously discussed in the last article (here) each meridian has its own primary actions, roles, and responsibilities.


  • Horary Cycle Time: 1-3 PM

  • Primary Actions:

    • Sea of Foods and Fluids - the food granary

    • Controls receiving, rotten, and ripening.

    • Controls transportation of food essence.

    • Controls descending of Qi.


  • Horary Cycle Time: 11 AM - 1 PM

  • Primary Actions:

    • AKA Pancreas, “Foundation Of the postnatal existence / food granaries”

    • Governs transportation and transformation.

    • Controls the ascending of qi.

    • Makes the blood

    • Rules muscles, flesh, and four limbs.

    • Opens in the mouth, manifest in the lips

    • Controls salvia

    • Houses the Intellect

    • Likes dryness; affected by dampness, worry and pensiveness.

When it comes to the primary actions, the earth element is responsible for the following: late summer, dampness, muscles, sweet, sympathy, singing, salvia, worry / pensive, obsession, pungent / fragrant, and the mouth, lips, and tactile. The recurrent subluxations in the element can cause concerns in various areas such as: occiput, cervicals (neck), shoulder, elbow to wrist, temporomandibular joints (TMJ), Thoracic spine from T5-12, shoulder, lower back, wrist, thumb. Along with subluxations, there are muscle groups in the neck, trapezius, latissimus, and pectoralis that relate to this element. The organs in this element are pretty straight forward - stomach, spleen, and pancreas. The emotions in this element are: over sympathetic and low-self esteem. Theory and diagnosing in acupuncture can be complex depending on the symptoms. Some have deficiency means lacking or shortage, meridians can be deficient or in excess. For example, Spleen-Qi Deficiency can manifest with the following clinical symptoms: poor-appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness in the limbs, loose stools, slight depression and a tendency to obesity. Additionally, Stomach-Qi Deficiency clinical symptoms are: an uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium, lack of appetite, lack of sense of taste, loose stools, tiredness in the morning, and weak limbs. Symptoms like these may seem common for most, there are so many alternatives (like adjustments and acupuncture) that you can do to help your health and resolve these concerns. Just remember, just because it is common - doesn’t mean that it is normal!

Understanding the Earth element and the Stomach and Spleen meridians highlights the importance of maintaining balance in these areas for overall health. By recognizing the symptoms of deficiencies, and addressing recurrent subluxations, we can better support the body's natural healing processes. Sharing the characteristics and primary actions of the Earth element allows patients to be empowered to seek answers to cultivate stability and nourishment in our lives, paving the way for a healthier, more harmonious existence. Stay tuned for our blog where we will delve into the transformative power of the Metal element.


Deadman, Peter & Al-Khakaji, MAzin: A Manual of Acupuncture, 2004

Maciocia, Giovanni: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, 2005

N.E.T Master Chart

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